If a party is not satisfied with any work undertaken by Valentine & Co or its staff they should set out in writing the nature of the complaint and address this to the relevant insolvency practitioner, engagement partner or director concerned.
If you are not satisfied with any issues relating to an insolvency practitioner’s regulated work, then you may, at any stage of your complaint, contact the Insolvency Service at https://www.gov.uk/complain-about-insolvency-practitioner, alternatively email the Insolvency Enquiry Line at insolvency.enquiryline@insolvency.gsi.gov.uk, telephoning on 0300 678 0015 or completing the online complaints form and posting it to: IP Complaints, Insolvency Service, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA.
A complainant is encouraged by the Insolvency Service to seek to resolve the complaint with the relevant Insolvency Practitioner prior to submitting a complaint to the Complaints Gateway.